Sunday, September 19, 2004

So gay

From the New York Times:

"Mr. Bush lost his pilot status when he moved to Alabama to work on the campaign of Winton M. Blount, at left with Mr. Bush's father."

That'll show him

From Slate's Burning Bushes, A reader's guide to Kitty Kelley's The Family, by Bryan Curtis:
As CIA director, H.W. despises Henry Kissinger and instructs his staff to refer to him as "Mister," not "Doctor." "The fucker doesn't perform surgery or make house calls, does he?" Bush says.
Apparently, he did make house calls...but I see what H.W. means.


And shake a leg, goddamnit, because DEFENSE's date isn't going to wait around forever.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Item #37756: The "Space Needle"

Bateries not included.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

New York Times Photo Caption of the Day

"The actress Gillian Anderson and thong in 2001."

Ok, it was an article about thongs, but still.

Circa 1812

The photo below is from the History Channel's new documentary "First Invasion: The War of 1812." Personally, I thought this scene was more convincing in Independance Day, but that's just me.

A re-enactment of the British burning of the White House in the History Channel documentary "First Invasion: The War of 1812."

Friday, September 10, 2004

First. "Blog." "Post." Ever.


New York Times picture of Army guys:

Sorry. The answer was: "What is Abu Ghraib?"